Advantages of a native garden


Mediterranean gardening is a type of gardening based on the minimum consumption of water,

and the use of native species adapted to the climatic conditions of the Mediterranean area. This is a gardening in which the use of native plants versus exotic plants. Although it also introduces species that, although being foreign, are totally naturalized.

The plants of vetoed use in this gardening are those considered as exotic invaders. These are species that have a dominant behavior over the rest of local plants, and that put at risk the survival of many autochthonous varieties.

They are different and varied the advantages that on the environment and our economy has the native gardening. The following are the most relevant:

The native gardens are composed of plants adapted to the climate and the soil of its surroundings. These are plants that are not very demanding in water, so the irrigation needs will be low. In general, after the first two years of development, the plants are able to survive practically without irrigation.

  • They have little need for fertilizers and chemicals. Autochthonous plants are mostly rustic in nature so they can dispense with chemical fertilizers. They are more resistant against pests and diseases; And in addition, many of them have insect repellent properties.
  • The native gardens are of low maintenance due to their forest character and to the own characteristics of the plants. Due to this fact and to the previous peculiarities, the Mediterranean garden is more economical than a conventional or exotic garden.
  • There is a wide variety of native plants for use in gardening, which means multiple possibilities of color, texture, shape, etc. And combinations thereof.
  • It is possible, within the variety of native plant, to find different species that flower throughout the year. So a Mediterranean garden can be designed to be flowery in all seasons.
  • Most native plants are evergreen, that is, they do not lose their foliage. Consequently, the garden is always green and alive.
  • Autochthonous plants reproduce by themselves, so in mature Mediterranean gardens it is usual for new specimens of existing plants to appear on their own.
  • The native gardens favor the landscape and visual integration of the garden with its natural Mediterranean environment.
  • The Mediterranean gardens facilitate the ecological balance between species of the garden with its surrounding natural environment.
  • In addition, this type of gardens, it encourages the biodiversity of flora and fauna being much more ecologically valuable than the conventional gardens.