When predictions comes true; Xylella Fastidiosa
BackThere will be a before and after. After causing havoc in the cultivation of olive trees in Italy and infecting numerous almond trees in the Balearic Islands, the bacterial infection Xylella Fastidiosa has reached the Iberian Peninsula and is very likely to have arrived to stay forever.
A few days ago the first outbreak of this infection was confirmed in the town of Guadalest, in the province of Alicante.
Although not contagious for humans, it causes serious damage to some very important cultivations in our country, such as: olive trees, citrus trees, grapevines, almond trees, peach trees, as well as numerous ornamental plants.
Xylella Fastidiosa is a bacteria that is transmitted by insects known as Chicharritas or Saltahojas (Cicadélidos). These feed on the Xylem - the plant tissue that drives the sap and holds the plant - infecting the tree. The bacteria produces the drying of leaves and branches, and if the necessary measures are not taken on time, finally, the tree will die.
Although there is no preventive treatment or known cure, promising news comes from Italy, where a treatment is being developed in conjunction with the University of Foggia and the Council of Research in Agriculture and analysis of agrarian economy in Caserta, Italy.
Infections are often latent and have no symptoms, making it difficult to detect the pest in the area. Once the infection is detected and confirmed, the eradication protocol is activated or the containment measures are applied instead.
The eradication program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Health requires the elimination and destruction of all infected plants as well as those with symptoms and host plants in the area. Where eradication is no longer possible because of the extent of the infection, the competent official body may apply containment measures in that area.
Below you can find the link to the list of host plants of the strains of Xylella fastidiosa present in Europe:
In the fight against Xylella fastidiosa it is necessary to promote collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture, the different Autonomous Communities and the working groups of experts at national and international level to reinforce the strategy to combat the spreading of the infection.
If you detect signs of infection with Xylella fastidiosa in plants or trees in your area do not hesitate and contact the Department of Plant Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture or notify our company, Jardin Sostenible, by sending an email to info@jardinsostenible.eu or call +34 965 875 045. One of our specialists will come and check the affected plant on site.